Monday, April 26, 2010

Almost a Graduate

Tomorrow will be my last day taking a college course. I cannot tell you how excited I am. I have been waiting for this day for five long years. I mean I have been going to school every fall and spring semester as well as a summer session for each and every one of these years. I tell you what; I don’t know what I will do with my time once I graduate here in two weeks. Ha, who am I kidding I know exactly what I will do; I am going to enjoy my husband, kids, and my life in general.

Not only will this be my last class, but I will also end my internship this week. So far I have taught in kindergarten, first grade and currently in a fifth grade classroom. I have experienced quite a change from the younger grades up to fifth grade. The kids are different, the content is much more involved, and basically it is just all around different. Even though fifth grade has been a new experience for me, I have really enjoyed the kids. I have also enjoyed reading to my class. Currently, I am reading “Edward’s Eyes” by Patricia MacLachlan. This is quite a good book. We are only on chapter four, but it is a quick read and I can’t wait to finish it.

So here I am about to finish up the last weeks before I graduate….I am going to be a University of Arkansas graduate in two weeks. I just can’t believe it, someone pinch me please! This is where I am at, at this point in my life. There are no words to describe my emotions, but I will put it to you like this…this is just another one of the ways I enjoy my life!

I'm in the Band

I may not have mentioned this in my introductory blog, but I sing in a band. I joined last June so it has only been ten months. At the time there were five members, Patrick-lead guitar, Steve-vocals and guitar, Larry-bass, Diana-drums, and me-vocals. We called our band Suckerpunch Railroad. We did som practicing and play a lot of small gigs here and there but we never quite sounded like a cohesive unit. Months past, we recorded a demo CD and then I got extremely busy with school and I decided to take a few months off.

During those few months that I took off the drummer, Diana was not playing in the same style we wanted so we let her go and searched for a new drummer. It took awhile, but now we finally found a new drummer. His name is Bob and he is just fantastic!

The first practice that Bob attended was the first practice I attended some I had taken a break a few months back. I wanted to get a feel for his style and see if it matched with ours. It did and he instantly clicked with all of us. At that point we started working on new younger and hip songs and we have been going strong ever since.

Last Wednesday we played our first gig as a newly formed band. We play for the Freedom Power Sports bike night which is held at Beef ‘O Brady’s. We had to have a name so we could tell everyone who we were when we played this gig. So we sat down and tried to think of something creative. Let me tell you, it is harder to come up with a good name than you would think. In the end we decided on “3750”. I don’t care for this name, but I wasn’t thinking of anything else much better so I agreed. If anybody has any great names they would like to suggest I am more than willing to hear them. We are a mix of classic and alternative rock. Only three more days until band practice…this is just another way I enjoy life.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Grilling with the Kids

What a glorious weekend I just experienced, it is so nice to have gorgeous weather and a lack of wind! This past weekend my two nieces came in town for a visit. We played outside at my house all day Saturday. While Joe was at work, I played with the kids yet; I did not get any homework finished. I decided that was just going to have to be ok. It is not too often that my kids have their best friends (their cousins) in town.

While we were outside, I decided to become the “grill master”. Of course this had to be kid-friendly grill food, so I decided to make hamburgers for lunch and since we were still outside at dinner time I grilled chicken wings for dinner. I will say the burgers turned out fantastic, but the wing rub I used turned out to be too spicy for five children under the age of seven. That is ok though, they all loved the strawberries and whipped cream I gave them as a side.

Anyway, around lunch time as I stood behind the grill, cooking away, Kaiden started yelling… Mommy, Mommy look. I turned around and there he was riding his big “five year old” bike without training wheels. This was neat to watch because he had been trying to ride sans training wheels on his new “big kid” bike for at least a month now.

Grilling, hanging with my favorite kids in the world and watching Kaiden learn to ride a bike without training wheels is another one of the ways I enjoy life.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Yesterday, Saturday, my family celebrated Kaiden and Isabelle’s birthdays. Kaiden will turn seven on May 15th and Isabelle turned four March 2nd. I always said I would never celebrate more than one siblings’ birthday on the same day, but this is the third or fourth time I have been able to get away with it. Yet, I do think this will be the last year I can celebrate their birthdays together, Kaiden is getting older and he will soon want his own party. Either way, I have a big family and it is much easier for everyone to get together for one weekend in between Kaiden and Isabelle’s birthdays.

Almost every day in the spring, summer, and fall when the weather is nice (not raining or below freezing) my husband, Joe, kids, and I are outside grilling or just hanging out. Since that is how we spend most of our time, Joe and I decided to give our kids new bicycles for their big present. They were really excited, this was Isabelle’s first bike and Kaiden had outgrown his first bike at least a year ago. So, we thought this was the perfect time to get the kids bikes.

Let me just say, those kids have already put their bikes to good use. One Saturday, we spent several hours outside after the party. Then today, Sunday, we played outside for the majority of the day. Well, Joe and the kids played while I sat under an umbrella and worked on homework. I can’t complain though, at least I was able to enjoy the beautiful weather and watch my kids run and ride their bikes around.

That is what my weekend entailed…lots of fun with my kids. That’s all the news I have for now, I couldn’t wait to share another one of the many ways I enjoy life.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Let me start by saying I have never written a blog before, so this will be a first for me. As I sat down to think about what I wanted to blog about, all kinds of ideas came to me. I mean after all I am a very busy person with a lot going on. I thought of so many things, but I couldn’t narrow it down to just one topic so I decided to write about the many ways I enjoy life. I am excited and as you will find out I have so numerous interesting, random and fun things going on in my life and this is a great way to share them.

To start this blog let me introduce you to my family, who I am sure I will mention again. I am married to an amazing man who I absolutely adore. In April we will have been married for 11 years. We have three children, Kaiden is six, Isabelle-aka Izzy is three, and our little man Boston just turned two. As I am sure you will find out these three little kiddos help me lead a joyful and entertaining life.

Just this weekend the five of us were playing hide-n-go-seek. It was a lot of fun listening to Boston die laughing when he found his big brother or sister. Then the three of them would tackle each other and then four of us would hide and one person would do the finding again. As I was playing, it just put me back to my own childhood when my family of six played hide-n-go-seek together. This is just one of the many ways I enjoy life.